sunday through wednesday

July 14-17, 2024

Missions Conference Schedule

Sunday, July 14th

10:00 AM No Sunday School

10:30 AM Meet the Missionaries

11:00 AM Morning Service

6:00 PM Missions Conference Service

Monday July, 15th

9:45 AM Church Group Trip to Oberlin

5:45 PM Meal at Church

7:00 PM Missions Conference Service

Tuesday July 16th

10:30 AM Forever Young

5:45 PM Meal at Church

7:00 PM Missions Conference Service

Wednesday July 17th

9:45 AM Church Group Trip to Crocker Park, and Huntington Beach

5:45 PM Meal at Church

7:00 PM Missions Conference Service

Keynote Speaker- pAstor David Teis

Dr. Teis has been located in the Las Vegas area most of his life. He met his wife, Anna, at Bible college in Lynchburg, Virginia. In 1977, Liberty Baptist Church was started in the heart of Las Vegas. David and his wife Anna have been serving the Lord at LBC since. In the more than 46 years of serving there, they have seen so many blessings and multitudes come to know the Lord as Saviour. He also has written many books for the glory of God.

Our conference missionary guests

Robert & Wendy Mickey (Kenya)

Robert Jr. and Wendy have been laboring as missionaries to Kenya since 1998. Charity, Amanda, Timothy, Stephen, and Elizabeth are their 5 children. Sent by the Cleveland Baptist Church, God has truly expanded His work even amidst some very unstable and dangerous times in Kenya. They have been privileged to see the gospel spread from Kenya to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi and Tanzania. Our church has supported the Mickey family for many years.

Marco & Lauretta Hannel

(keep the busses rolling)

Marco and Lauretta are laboring in the States aiding churches with their bus ministries. Their three children are Enoch, Alice and Reese. The Hannels have seen much fruit from aiding bus ministries, camp meetings and rallies. As they travel from state-to-state, churches are blessed by the preaching, teaching, singing and aid they lend in America's bus ministries for the glory of God!

Ethan & Lydia Donoho (Bolivia)

Ethan and Lydia Donoho are following the Lord's call to Bolivia. Their two daughters are Zoe and Chloe. The Donoho's have been in full time ministry since 2017. While they were at Roanoke Baptist Church, they both served in many different departments. They are excited to see the many blessings and what the Lord will do once they finish deputation. 

Stephen & Abigail Barrett (Brazil)

The Barretts are following the Lord's call to Brazil. Between both families of Stephen and Abigail, they have an amazing heritage of seven generations of missionary service! They have a particular burden for the deaf of Brazil and are praying that God will open the specific doors for that field. They are excited to see how God directs and uses their lives. 

Gavino & Mariana Hernandez (Mexico)

Gavino and Mariana are on deputation following the Lord's call to Mexico. Their two daughters are Naya and Alya. Gavino at an early age was on the mission field and Mariana is a national of Mexico. They attended the same Christian school and church in Monterrey, Mexico. In 2017 they immigrated back to the United States and after serving the Lord for five years, began deputation in September of 2022.

ralph and lisa easterling (evangelism and Bible Mobile)

Evangelist Ralph Easterling's ministry is to encourage small churches, take part in revivals, street preaching meetings, tent revivals, Bible conferences parades, and personal Evangelism using tracts and signs. We believe the KJV Bible is the word of God to the exclusion of all other books! Using the Biblemobile we promote Evangelism tools, Bibles, books signs, banners, scripture clothing God honoring CD music, study material Christian biographies etc. We have inner city property set aside for a small mission. We covet your prayer and continue by the grace of God with the help of God's people. We are excited about what He is doing in our midst!


Faith Promise is a commitment to give financially above and beyond the tithe to the worldwide mission's effort of Southwest Baptist Church. 


Nothing is closer to the heart of God than missions (John 3:16). Jesus Christ died for the whole world. (I John 2:2) and He desires for all men everywhere to be saved (I Timothy 2:3-4). It is clear that faith only comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17) and that people cannot hear without a preacher or missionary (Romans 10:14). These preachers/missionaries must be sent (Romans 10:15) and the local church has been commissioned to be the senders (Acts 13:1-5) 

About Faith Promise Cont. 

WHat is the difference between tithing and Faith promise giving?

Tithes are God's method of blessing believers and providing financial support for the local church. Faith Promise giving is a freewill offering above and beyond the tithe designed to generate finances to support missions to fulfill the Great Commission.

Why should the missions offering be given by faith?

God honors what we do by faith alone. We are told to, "walk by faith, and not by sight" (II Cor. 5:7). By giving to Faith Promise you are trusting God to provide the promised amount each week, month, or year. This will not only increase your faith (Luke 17:5) but also promote real spiritual growth. Faith promise is not giving out of what you have, but giving what you will trust God to supply. 

is it a pledge?

Faith Promise should not be confused with pledges. No one will knock on your door and demand payment for such an offering. However, one should prayerfully consider how much to promise by faith before filling out their Faith Promise commitment card. It will be a commitment you make with God alone. 

what other benefit does faith promise giving offer?

It enables the church to plan a definite missionary budget so that regular commitments can be met and special projects can be undertaken. It also provides the means whereby Christians in Northeast Ohio can obey the command of Christ to carry the gospel to the whole world.