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southwest baptist IS ABOUT JESUS AND HIS GRACE
Southwest Baptist is a family of believers—a Bible-believing, Baptist church where Jesus is first, people are loved, and the gospel of grace is center stage. We are serious about God’s truth and Jesus’ mission. We love God and each other, we grow together in God’s word, and we seek to serve others with authentic grace and humility. Come and see Southwest, experience spiritual renewal, and discover God’s heart for you!
our mission
Our desire is to help people discover a personal relationship with Jesus, to grow deeper in that relationship, and to spread the gospel through church partnerships and church planting locally and around the world.
our beliefs
We worship Jesus, study the Bible, and encourage each other in simple terms you’ll be able to connect to your daily life. We believe and teach what the Bible actually says and why it matters—no pointless traditions, no archaic languages, no droning or irrelevant lectures, no pious arrogance. We open the Bible and apply it to real life in the twenty-first century. Click HERE for a complete list of our statement of faith.
Everyone wants a life of hope, meaning, and real love—but many people are struggling to find it, and most are done with “religion.” Southwest is home to people who have discovered a flourishing personal relationship with God through Jesus. We invite you to discover the same journey by visiting soon. Don’t miss the joy of taking a truthful and careful look at the real message of Jesus.
the bible process
The New Testament gives us a pattern for following Jesus.
Most people think that following Jesus is about reforming your personal behavior, becoming religious, and following a list of rules to earn God’s favor and forgiveness. This was not at all the message of Jesus. His message was about receiving forgiveness and eternal life as a gift of God—by grace through faith. It all happens when you choose to believe!
follow in baptism
Baptism is the next step, after belief, for any serious follower of Jesus. Baptism is like a wedding ring—it’s an outward sign of an inward decision. It’s a decision to publicly identify that Jesus is your personal Saviour. Have you recently placed your trust in Jesus to save you? Then let us help you plan a time to be baptized soon.
In life we all need authentic, loving friends who encourage and value us, and who cheer us on the journey of spiritual growth. Southwest is a place where diverse people are following Jesus together—they are connecting through meaningful relationships and building lifelong friendships. People of every life-stage have a group where they can grow as devoted followers of Jesus.
answers to some questions
what time are your services?
10:00am - Adult Groups and Kids Sunday School
11:00am - Morning Worship & Junior Church
6:00pm - Evening Worship
7:00pm - Prayer, Worship and Bible Study Groups
How long are the servces?
Services last about 70 minutes and combine dynamic, Christ-honoring music with clear, practical preaching and teaching from the Word of God. You will be blessed and encouraged!
what about kids?
We have an exciting children’s on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Kids are taught about God’s Word in age-appropriate classes. Our goal is to make church your child's favorite time of the week.
is there a nursery?
Loving nursery care is provided during every service. Our children’s ministry staff have been trained to ensure that your child will be well- cared-for by qualified mothers and grandmothers. Each volunteer has been carefully interviewed, screened, and trained.
is there a dress code?
No. We simply encourage people to give God their best with what they have. Our main goal is to make you feel welcome during your visit with us.
what kind of church is Southwest?
We’re not perfect. That’s probably why we make such a close family, because we’re all sort of limping through life and growing in grace. Our church is alive! We still sing a lot of church hymns and the atmosphere is conservative. Some people have said that Southwest is "church as it was meant to be".
will i fit in?
We won't evaluate you—when you walk in, we’re glad to see you! Don’t worry about having to measure up or fit in. None of us really measure up, and we’re all very different. Our family is very diverse, so fitting in isn’t an issue.
what can i expect?
Your experience with us will be encouraging and enjoyable
First, expect a friendly, grace-filled culture.
The gospel of grace is the center of everything we do at Southwest. Our family is warm and welcoming.
Expect some help along the way.
Greeters will welcome you and help you find classes and nurseries, as well as some pastries and coffee!
Expect to find a place where you fit.
At Southwest, we worship Jesus. The music is powerful, enjoyable, and refreshing. Our goal is worship, not entertainment, and we believe the music will touch you deeply.
Expect a practical Bible message.
Pastor Davis will teach through a practical series that applies God’s wisdom to real-life situations. The Bible has the answers you’ve been looking for, and it’s essential for your journey through life
Expect to be impacted for the better.
Our goal is simple—to love and encourage you. Whatever you’re facing, wherever you come from, whatever decisions you are up against—God’s word and God’s love will make a massive difference.
Whether you believe in Jesus or not, have an open mind and come hear Jesus’ message taught clearly and practically. Investigate who Jesus really is and discover what most religions never tell you about the Bible
Expect to connect and grow personally.
Every week, Southwest welcomes guests who would not call themselves “Christians” or even “religious.” Many of them are burnt out on either religion or secularism, and are sincerely looking for a truthful, spiritual alternative to both. We believe Jesus’ gospel provides the best answer for the soul.
pastor greg davis and family
My family and I welcome you to our church! If you could use a breath of fresh air for your soul, you’ll be in good company at Southwest Baptist. Our church is an exciting and growing church in Brunswick, Ohio. I hope that our church will be an encouragement to you as you join our congregation in praising our Lord. My heart is to strengthen and grow families and to help people discover a deeper relationship with God. You will be sure to find people who love each other and love helping others discover the real message of Jesus. We would love to connect with you this Sunday and encourage your spiritual journey in God’s grace!